What I Think

The Science of Twitter

This interesting article from Fast Company features new research that proves 9 ways you can increase the ‘retweeting’ of your tweets.

Interesting stuff except that it’s one of those research projects where now that the evidence has been published, the circumstances will change. I predict within 6 weeks, if not sooner , these ‘rules’ will be out the window.

A common occurrence with this kind of ‘benefit’ research is that the mid section of the bell curve (the big bit) will adopt these tactics in their tweeting methodology. On some levels that is not so bad. I for one like complete sentences and punctuation. I also like that if the majority of people adopted and adhered to Point 3 then twitter traffic would drop by at least 50% and therefore junk tweets may disappear altogether. Epic Win!

But if everyone tweets, as per Point 9, at 4Pm on Fridays, then there is going to be an Epic Fail as twitter falls over.

Whale fail special edition during dust storm in Sydney
Whale fail special edition during dust storm in Sydney. Thanx to @warlach for the headsup about this image.
What I Think

Kick a man when he’s down? If it’s Kyle, no worries!

2Day FM eat their dumb
2Day FM eat their dumb

Poor old Kyle Sandilands. Just when he thought he was already at the bottom comes this. An ad for 2Day FM’s Hamish & Andy’ Show running on several sites drawing content from other sites and featured this golden moment. 2Day is Kyle’s employer/handler.

It is supposed to be featuring a ‘weird and whacky’ news story. Unfortunately  this day it picked up Mr Sandilands as the weird and whacky story. I’m not saying it was inappropriate because Mr Sandilands fits the mould perfectly.

Alternatively this may have been a very direct message from 2Day managment.

What I Think

No news here,

Just when I was starting to think that was lifting their game comes this story;

Advertisers pay for personal Facebook information

Shock horror! Oh, the humanity. On what planet does this constitute news. It may be to the ‘journalist’ who wrote this story but for every other person on Facebook its well known. Actually, expected.

Perhaps rather than coming from a journo this ‘story’ has fallen from the mind of a Myspace (owned by News Corp) PR hack and published on all their sites in some half hearted and poorly conceived strategy to bolster the flagging fortunes of Myspace.

And the comments on the story should give the editors some food for thought – if they do in fact think at all. Consumers expect to be advertised to when they receive a service for free.

Stories like this prove that and the larger organisation is out of touch with their audience.

What I Think

Someone forgot to tell Ticketmaster that Greater Union changed their name
