What I Think

Hey, TV guys! Wake up!

Hit shows plundered – National –
Link: Hit shows plundered – National –

So the guys who run the TV networks don’t seem to care that people are downloading hit TV shows. Or is this just a brave face to keep the advertisers happy. It’s a very bloody brave face! The networks use the most out of date method for measuring audience numbers: view diaries.

But they can’t admit to the advertisers that people are not watching and are downloading. Would the fast food outlets, car manufacturers, insurance companies and telcos be happy to spend the big bucks with 7, 9 and 10 if they new that audience share was slipping to the internet. No way! The networks are liaing when they say they aren’t worried about downloaders. And if they aren’t worried, they bloody should be.

This situation is to be blamed on none other than themselves. They routinely treat viewers with contempt by moving programs around, not playing series in their entirity and hanging on to previous season eps from the previous year and then plugging the crap out of them over the break – which seems to be getting longer and longer.

The fix to this problem is easy; air the program within an acceptable time from it’s US or UK original air time. And I mean within 24 – 48 hours. The interent has changed the world, so Aus stations might have to start following the big biys more closely or risk losing audience to the silent but biggest competitor; the internet.

The smart marketers are already looking at alternative. Here’s an idea for one of them,say Ford. Buy Lost and make it available for free download with 4 ad breaks per show, or just a sponship top and tail.

You’re market share would rise in a nano second. Don’t believe me? Try it. Prove me wrong.