What I Think

Can you be green and rent?

The recent initiatives annouced by Mr Rudd and Mr Howard with regard to planned and proposed rebates to homeowners for the purchase and installation of ‘green’ products is wonderful.

However, looking around the capital of Australia, Sydney I see lots of apartments which are rented. Two points here; a) greening an apartment with solar hot water or rain tanks is not easy and b) most apartments are rented meaning that the investors of said apartments in Australia’s slowest moving economy are not going to want to part with any kind of cash in order to get some of it back They are already doing that to their banks and the taxman.

Low interest or even no interest loans for green improvements are not going to make much impact on investors who are already geared to their eye balls.

But, it’s a great start.

What I Think

Don Imus, meet Allan Jones

Is it just me or can everyone see the similarities here; Imus makes racial slurs and gets fired. Jones incites race riots and gets….nothing. My bad. No similarities at all.

Looks like the teeth were removed from the ABA when it got a name change. Pity.

Link: CBS gives Imus the boot – World –

What I Think

Does the Lane Cove Tunnel go to America?

What’s so hard about getting Australian stock photography. Does the woman in pic 3 look ‘average mum’ to you? Oh, because the tunnel operator saved a few bucks by using a crap agency that can’t get their shit together. Vrooooom, F.





What I Think

I could not think of anything worse

I have always looked for ways to avoid advertising, even when I was on the side of the coin and making it. Now, with downaloadable TV, podcasting and AppleTV my exposure to advertising is approaching a mere million images a day – better than most at 20 million, or so.

Recorded inbound calls from the PM at the last elelction made me vote for what turned out to be a crazy man (not Mr Howard, the other guy).

So this is my kind of hell. Kiddies – I hop you enjoy it; or at least find a way around it.

Link: Gotta go Mum, it’s a message from my sponsor – Technology –

What I Think

Podcasting Audience Up 18% Since Last Year

Link: <a title="Podcasting News
» Podcasting Audience Up 18% Since Last Year” href=””>Podcasting News
» Podcasting Audience Up 18% Since Last Year.

What I Think

7, 9 & 10 v 80,000

Eddy may control the high jinx on 1 v 100 but the network he controls is about to get a mass of competitors and not from Foxtel either.

Back in January amid the hype of Apple’s iPhone, Mr Jobs announced AppleTV, which is due to land any day now. This device is a little smaller than the smallest of pizza boxes and plugs into your widescreen TV. So what? So this; anything that you download to your computer, Mac and PC, that goes into iTunes will play on your TV. Sick of game show after crime show after reality show. No problem. Flick over to one of the video podcasts you subscribe to (for free) and watch the latest show.

Apple is already gearing up for the arrival the product into stores very soon with
AppleTV Podcast Showcase.

Also, the latest version of iTunes has a change in the preferences of great note. Now you can change the Parental settings to conform to Australian ratings. This has lead many to speculate that availabily of TV shows and movies from the iTunes Music Store is imminent – in the same way that Australia got access to the iTMS many, many months after other countries.

But right now the job I wouldn’t want is marketing director at a large multinational-carbonated-breakfast-cereal-snack-food-automobile-fast-moving-consumer-good manufacturer. Where am I going to place my ads? What shows are my eaters/drinkers/drivers/consumers watching? Fuel Time! TreehuggerTV! Southerby’s Private View! My media buyers haven’t told me about these shows. What networks are they on?

What I Think

Shit, meet LG Fan

That didn’t take long.

Link: LG flummoxed by digital freeze – Home Theatre – AtHome – Technology –

What I Think

Naughty PR comany. Naughty!

If you’ve got a dud product do a recall ASAP. No two ways about it; a mia culpa beats a multi-million dollar pr nightmare that ain’t no campign going to fix.

Memo to LG: Fire Burson-Marsteller for this stuff-up. Because when this shit hits the fan (stories in the broadsheets), you think any journo is going to be taking calls from these twits? I don’t think so.

Link: Smarthouse News – LCD.

What I Think

But, but, but…I didn’t do it on purpose

This story is contender for “Train Wreck of the Week”. From Tuesday morning when the story broke to Friday PM when The Prime-minister finally had enough there was no getting away from the fact Minister Santoro had been found with his hand firmly in the cookie jar.

If we want better politicians we have to hold them to a higher standard. And if they want to be politicians they have to exceed that standard. Sounds crappy – but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

Link: Santoro resigns from ministry – National –

What I Think

Fair, But Cruel

This is a screen dump from Smart House News today. I know online ads are served based on criteria but perhaps a new criteria should be: No ads for companies/products that are being kicked in the guts in the article.