Welcome to Rumble Music, creators of fine music for TVCs, TV and Film and all other musical needs. Ben Vincent (Chief Cheese) has very kindly agreed to produce both the intro and outro music for the Adnauseum podcast. I can’t wait to hear it. Ben can’t wait to make it. IT’s all systems go over here at Adnauseum HQ… To paraphrase Spinaltap; rock n’ roll. ROCK AND ROLL!
Category: What I Think
Bye Bye Dougie et al
Pizza Hut have finally killed off Dougie, the deliver driver character who was created in the early nineties and played by a up and coming actor whose name escapes me. I do remember said actor was in Water Rats and also involved in serious car accident causing GBH to a female passenger. At the time charges were to be laid and Pizza Hut moved Dougie away from being the front man of the ads and introduced ‘trainees’ who were being taught to deliver the Pizza Hut way by Dougie.
The Dougie charcter introduced us to the one liner; ‘How ’bout a tip’. ‘Be good to your mother’.
The replacement is comedian Peter Rowsthorn (Comedy Company, Kath & Kim) doing a to-camera rave about the product. Obviously he had nothing to do with the script because it’s not got a funny thing about it.
Another Award
Ok, how many awards can advertising creatives want to win? Well it seems their thirst for awards is unlimited. Later this year we’re going to introduce a new award, that they don’t want to win. This will be an award for the worst ad made in 2005. Now ‘worst’ is as hard or harder to judge than ‘best’ because there is just so much crap. Full details will be made available leter this year and judge by the readers and listeners. The award title and trophy will be designed later this year. Stay tuned, if you can stand the pain…
The Adnauseum Podcast
So from the week after next I’m going to start interviewing creatives from all kinds of agencies to talk about advertising. The idea is you’re going to hear them talk passionatley about their craft; what worked, what sucked and why clients buy crap ads. But that’s not all. I’ll be talking to production people about their part of the creative process; where a great idea can turn to crap when there’s not enough cash.
So stand by…there’ll be an RSS feed from this site for you to subscribe to.
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