What I Think

OMO – Brillliant!

This is the only ad I have seen recently that made me want to talk to people about it. The new strap line is “We love dirt”. Just a brilliant ad. The first great ad in this category since the one where the guy in a nightclub gets the girl to write her number on his t-shirt. Next morning the guys flat mate has washed the t-shirt, clean. And that was 10 years ago.

What I Think

Must be election tiime…

Oh no, the Libs (NSW opposition) just played the first ad in their campaign. The extremely witty and original ‘rat on a wheel running and running’ theme. Do you think the guys who came up with that think they had something new for an election ad? Probably. My question is this; did the rat come from the opposition’s front bench or back bench?

What I Think


So my car needs a service – there is no fucking way that bunch of dancing fools from Lubemobile are going anywhere near it. That stupid song is crap.

What I Think

The First Podcast…

… is getting closer. George Betis, principal of VCD, agreed to be my first victim/guest and was, as usual, just fantastic. I on the other hand proved that my abilty at writing ads was far superior to my probing journalist skills.
However, the meat from this interview resulted in two very big things; a change of direction for this blog and podcast, and a new business idea…stay tuned, or rather stay online…

What I Think

An ad for an ad guy about ads

I was walking back to my studio yesterday past SO&M’s HO on Sussex St. A JC Decauex (?) guy was just finishing putting up a new poster in the back of a phone kiosk. The ad was for Singo’s themselves. Now ads for agencies in trade press is one thing, but this was mainstream outdoor.
The ad was nothing more than a shot from a Qantas ad with a headline that escapes me (I will take a pic and post it later – must get a camera/phone) and the SO&M logo. My first thought, “Qantas is reviewing their business and Singo wants them to see this ad when they walk in the building.” Not so much interesting as curious.