What I Think

Amanda Congdon Leaves Rocketboom

Is this the ultimate in podfading? Or pod-ego exploding? You’ll remember that Rocktboom auctioned advertising spots in their podcast on eBay earlier this year. They raked in some serious coin. The full story will emerge (and bore) in the days to come…watch another space.

Link: Podcasting News: Amanda Congdon Leaves Rocketboom.

What I Think

NPR Fleshes Out Its Podcast Lineup

Content is king. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again.

The Australian advertising legendary jingle writer Alan Morris of MoJo fame had a saying; ‘If you’ve got something to say, say it. If you haven’t, sing it.”

People will not waste their time listening to a podcast if it’s crap – that’s what radio has done for 20 years. Podcasting is about getting qulaity information to your audience so they can listen at their convenince. There is no real mystery to podcasting.

And this story illustrates my point very well.

Link: Mac News: Podcasting : NPR Fleshes Out Its Podcast Lineup.

What I Think

Austereo links with Sustagen in ad deal

This will be interesting to see how long Sustagen will sustain it’s association with these podcasts when the audience drops to nothing. Just like all previous instances when podcasters have put ads in their shows.

Alan Kohler with his daily market report got the message quickly and moved the ad for Landrover from the top of the show to the end. Hopefully his audience is climbing again – it’s a bloody good listen.

Link: Austereo links with Sustagen in ad deal – Breaking News – Business – Breaking News.

What I Think

The latest podcast review on

Link: The Sydney Morning Herald Blogs: MashUp / When you’ve been shafted … Archives.

What I Think

A Case For Podcasting Now

The rise of the corporate podcast will be the driving force in making podcasting a ‘real’ medium for advertisers. Remember, TV wouldn’t be with us today if it wasn’t for game shows sponsored by advertisers. Actually, in many cases the shows were 100% funded by the advertiser which entitled them to name the show, eg Shell Pick-a-box and Lux Name That Tune.

Link: A Case For Podcasting Now.

What I Think

The Latest Podcast Review on

Link: The Sydney Morning Herald Blogs: MashUp / Listen up: how to shed those unwanted kilos Archives.

What I Think

Ohhhhhhhh, I better watch out!

Bring it on! And check out what Cameron Reily had to say on the topic visit at

What I Think

Happy Meals to go: the fat backlash

This is getting more and more interesting. When cigerette advertising was banned smoking take-up fell dramatically – but only with the support of a anti smoking campaign. To get the results the govt wants, will they need to create an anit-fast food campaign.

Smart agencies may want to invest some time in researching that if this legislation gets through.

Link: Happy Meals to go: the fat backlash – National –

What I Think

Bloody Stupid

So this will be the end, I hope, of posts re the Bloody Australian campaign.

The back story is that someone with a great sense of humor made a great sendup of the campaign and got a threatening letter from Tourism Australia. Wankers.

Link: AdNews.

What I Think

Gerry Harvey Loses Bucket Load Of Money

Gerry, why you ever thought that radio, especially AM radio, was going to make a buck is beyond me.

Now, all you have to do to get that mil and half back (plus a shit load more) is to invest in podcasting. Get your people to call my people.

You’ve got my number.

Link: Gerry Harvey Loses Bucket Load Of Money.