What I Think

What’s Your TweetRate?

I think a new metric needs to be added to the social media mix. Actually a slew of new metrics to better understand your own tweet/ing habbits.

Your +TweetRate is the number of tweets you average (create) in a 24 hour period. Easy to calculate and easy to compare account v account.

Next is your -TweetRate. This is the number of tweets you are receiving from the people you follow in a 24 hour period. Again, easy to calculate. I hope some geek is writing an API for this right now!

Lastly, and most importantly, your =TweetRate. This is the number of tweets in a 24 hour period that you have read and, if appropriate, clicked on the link and read the contents of that link.

All these metrics provide fascinating insight for the individual twiterer so you can easily delete followees who fill your timeline with “having coffee”, “need beer”, or “my boss is a <insert expletive here>”

My rationale for wanting to clean the timeline is simple; it’s easy to miss the gold when the stream is full of shit.

But until some geek or nerd creates the above tools it’s a manual chore that most people haven’t the time for and subsequently great tweets get lost. Cleaning your timeline may even mean unfollowing friends or colleagues who ‘tweet because they can’.

In my timeline, these are the first to go.