What I Think

A twit writes about twitter

Join the Twitterati – web – Technology –

In this article Nick Ross would have us believe that a) twitter is new and cool because he is showing it to us and b) we mere mortals can get in on the ground floor. Ground floor of what? Not an original thought in this waste of pixels and proof, if more was required, that Fairfax journos are now so out of the loop and in yesteryearland that they are now almost completely redundant in the news world of technology.
Twitter is now so old that many have moved past it, including myself.
I also love when hacks have a go with ridiculous statements like, ‘Reliance on PR and publicists diminishes as personalities can remain in the spotlight…”
Mr Ross probably wouldn’t even know half the things he does if it wasn’t for the PR industry – as I’ve said before and people hate to hear’ the first 6 or so pages of a paper are news, the rest is PR. Same for radio and TV and websites.
So thanx for the update Mr Ross on something that most people are already over. What’s next? That new thing called blogging?