Let’s all share our feelings. How about let’s fucking not.
‘I feel’ could possibly be the biggest hindrance to mankind’s evolution since Albert told Robert how to split the atom.
Feelings sit in your head and create absolutely fucking nothing of benefit. They will, however, prevent you from living your life.
Hey, but Craig, I feel happy. No, you fucking don’t. You ARE happy. Or you ARE sick. Or you ARE in pain. I can tell because you have an icepick in your head.
But Big Dog, I feel sad. Boo-fucking-hoo. All people, some time, will be sad. Step one, get some perspective. Sad because you haven’t got the latest iPhone or sad because it’s the 16th-anniversary of your mother’s death*? Step two, pick up the phone, call a friend and encourage them. Yes, encourage them. Tell them how fantastic/brilliant/great/wonderful/creative/funny/clever they are. Five will get you three you’ll feel better. Then ask yourself if that feeling was real or just a bunch of chemicals doing random shit in your head. (Hint: it’s the latter.)
I dunno Craigyboy, I feel pretty scared when I go to the beach; lot’s of sharks out there in the big blue. I won’t rant here about the chances of you being eaten by a shark are less than being blown up a terrorist on a plane while being struck by lightning after winning PowerBall.
Fear is an inbuilt mechanism designed to protect your life. But for some people, including past me, it grows like a tumour to engulf every aspect of my life and rather protecting me it greatly limited me.
Then I learnt about brain chemical imbalances and SSRI drugs and everything got better and was totally fine. For a little while.
The best way to get over a fear is to do it. (I fucking hate cliches) A work colleague has never been overseas because of ‘terrorists’ (like we don’t have that in Australia). Her daughter decides to get married in Hawaii forcing her to get on a plane. Now she can’t wait to go overseas again.
If you do find a feeling, please snap it and #tag it with IFoundaFuckingFeeling.
*Miss ya, Dawnie. Never far from my thoughts.