Project L What I Think

12: Your ego is not your friend

I know this to be true because if my ego was my friend it wouldn’t have fucked up my life so many fucking times.

Once again dear reader I’ll take this opportunity to remind you my degrees are not in psychiatry or other fields of mental health so anything year read here is one step above complete and utter rubbish.

However in saying that, my major educational endeavours have dealt very closely with the exploration of the ego and to that end I can attest if you are following your ego as some kind of life coach your will be fucking up beyond all recognition in the not too distant future.

Human beings seem to be the only animals on the planet to indulge the ego. All the others just get on with getting shit done; which is mostly eating and rooting and generally trying to make it through to tomorrow which just became harder for whales because Japan has declared open season on them once again. Of all the atrocities man carries out on other men and the environment this one seems to impact me the most. Perhaps I was a whale in a past life. I’d love Sea Shepherd to get their hands on a used Russian submarine and just destroy the Japanese whaling fleet with depleted Uranium torpedos boat by boat. No quarter, no mercy. But that’s not why you’re here today.

More proof of the evil ego possess comes from that literary giant Stan Lee. In ‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2′ the character Ego, a God-like creature, admits to ‘planting cancer’ in the brain of Peter ‘Star-Lord’ Quill’s mother. Ego, portrayed by Kurt Russell (no relation AFAIK) then gets his ass handed to him (after doing the man-dance on epic scale) by Star-Lord for committing this most heinous of crimes.

I was very fortunate to have my ego removed by succession of creative directors as I worked my up the greasy ladder of the advertising industry. One by one, papercut by papercut my ego was whittled away to nothing more than a shell made of soft brain tissue. It took some time, many years and was incredibly beneficial because I used to be a real asshole.

Think I’m a wanker now? Should have seen me in action 25 years ago!