Project L What I Think

17: Do I have to say this? Do I have to say this now? Do I have to say this now to this person?

Ah Christmas. I’ve been very fortunate to have never experienced the family dramas that many seem to endure. Mostly due to the fact that my family was very small. For many years it mum and dad, big sister and me, a grandmother and great-grandmother. Then the great-grandmother died. Then mum and dad got divorced and it became just mum. Then my big sister got married. Then had number 1 daughter. Then number 1 son. Then grandmother died. Then I got married the first time and my family exploded. Then mum died. Then I got divorced. Somewhere along the way, dad came back. Then I got married again so my family grew again. Then number 1 daughter got engaged and now married so the family is fucking enormous. Lots of personalities with opinions that need to be shared through the amplification of alcohol.

The above quote is from Craig Ferguson, a Scottish-American actor-comedian and recovering alcoholic who uses this little ditty at family functions and other events to curb his enthusiasm for pointing out other people’s idiotic points-of-view.

From this point, he arrives at Harmony. A destination not oft visited by many including yours truly until recently. It is such a pleasant locale unlike the nearby towns of I’m Right and You’re Wrong.

But the real beauty of Harmony is how easy it is to get to.; just follow the directions above.

Ho. Fucking. Ho.