Project L What I Think

10: Most pain is short-term

In my life, I’ve had five headaches. Including hangovers. Extraordinarily fortunate by any measure. But each one has been the worst pain imaginable for any human being and nothing could cure it and it will never end. Until it ends and everything goes back to normal. I’ve never had a broken bone and been hospitalised thrice but only once as an emergency. Even in matters of the heart when I thought this is the worst pain ever and no one has ever felt pain like this and I would rather die than go on and every heartbreak song was written just for me, ends. And then shit gets way better. Have you met my wife? Waaaaay better.

(Awkward segue)

Special forces soldiers, of which I am the opposite, are trained in hand-to-hand combat. The training involves conditioning to remember that a punch, cut, stab, slash, through-n-through bullet wound is not the end of life. If you can still move, you can still fight.

Same for mere mortals such as I. Or is it me?

I’ve had times where the pain (which is just a feeling and you all know how I feel about feelings) seems insurmountable. A very wise friend told me once, ‘this moment is not the rest of your life.’ Such a great line to remember. Just like spring always follows winter amazing stuff always happens after the shitty times.

Wounds heal. Or you die.