What I Think

A twit writes about twitter

Join the Twitterati – web – Technology –

In this article Nick Ross would have us believe that a) twitter is new and cool because he is showing it to us and b) we mere mortals can get in on the ground floor. Ground floor of what? Not an original thought in this waste of pixels and proof, if more was required, that Fairfax journos are now so out of the loop and in yesteryearland that they are now almost completely redundant in the news world of technology.
Twitter is now so old that many have moved past it, including myself.
I also love when hacks have a go with ridiculous statements like, ‘Reliance on PR and publicists diminishes as personalities can remain in the spotlight…”
Mr Ross probably wouldn’t even know half the things he does if it wasn’t for the PR industry – as I’ve said before and people hate to hear’ the first 6 or so pages of a paper are news, the rest is PR. Same for radio and TV and websites.
So thanx for the update Mr Ross on something that most people are already over. What’s next? That new thing called blogging?
What I Think

First space crash of unmanned satellites

Think about it, there are more satellites going up all the time and recovering old ones is very expensive. With the end of the shuttle program just around the corner the only way satellites will come down is as a fireball followed by a splash, or crash should it hit the 25% of the blue planet that’s covered in dirt.
Why is it every time I suggest that satellites have built in self destruct devices people laugh; just a small jet boost towards the sun and pop – no more problem.
What I Think

Facebook founder paid $100m settlement to classmates

Facebook founder paid $100m settlement to classmates – BizTech – Technology.

Man, with lawyers like this who needs enemies. This is great because it seemed the story had disappeared and if not for their lawyers it have – closed court documents, an under the table company purchase and no one would be the wiser.

But no, in their haste to gloat the lawyers, Stupid, Idiot and Cocksucker went and slammed their own client. Reckon Facebook will use these guys again. My guess is the next role they play in court will be defendant.
What I Think

MySpace founder concedes social network defeat – BizTech – Technology

MySpace founder concedes social network defeat – BizTech – Technology.

Not the kind of news NewsCorp chief cheese Mr Murdoch was hoping to hear. Obviously the protagonist in this article, Mr Brewer has his own agenda but none the less, an interesting story when you filter the spin out.
What I Think

Crisis puts a new face on social networking |

Crisis puts a new face on social networking |

A fine story about the recent utilisation of social networking platforms with just one little error; the NSA is not part of the Pentagon, it is a US Government office dealing specifically with cryptography (code breaking and creating) and the analysis o foreign intel. NSA I’m fairly sure that this journo is now on their radar. If they were part of the pentagon their url would have a .mil suffix.
Her story highlights the pros and cons of social networking which are the same as the reason I have dropped three networks from my arsenal; LinkedIn, Twitter (which I will return to when they re-introduce txt tweets from Australian mobiles other than the iPhone) and Plaxo (a duplication of several other platforms).
What I Think

Be an expert, don’t pretend!


Above is the image that appeared at the top of an email from MelbourneIT, advertising how they can help protect my brand. Thing is, they breached the copyright of the Cancer Council by using their tag line Slip Slop Slap. Don't believe me? Google it!

I cannot stress how critically important it is if you are promoting yourself or your business as an expert that you actually are an expert. I'm pretty confident that anyone who knows that Slip Slop Slap belongs to the Cancer Council will also now know that MelboureIT are not experts in brand protection.
What I Think

A Short Story

Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl ‘Will you marry me?’

The girl said, ‘NO!’ 

And the guy lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and went fishing and hunting and played golf a lot and drank beer and scotch and left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted.